You are welcome here
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What is it like?
    • We start with Praise & Worship. Feel free to join us by standing, singing, lifting your hands in worship or just quietly sit
    • A minister will bring an on time Word from the Lord
    • Immediately following the service we enjoy a meal together
  • What about my kids?
    • Children of all ages are welcome
    • At this time we offer Sunday School during service for ages 4-11
  • Where do I park?
    • Parking is behind the building and to the side
    • The Entrance is located on side of building near largest parking area
  • What do I wear?
    • Dress comfortably - you will see people dressed from Jeans to Suits
  • How can I get connected?
    • Join us for any of our services- let us introduce ourselves
    • We would love to meet you!